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Category: Dry Eye

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Blurry Vision?

Person sitting on a couch, rubbing their eye while looking closely at a smartphone.

Dry eyes can cause blurry vision, making it difficult to see things clearly and potentially impacting your daily activities.

This is due to the fact that when your eyes are dry, there is not enough moisture or tears to properly lubricate and nourish the surface of your eyes. As a result, your cornea (the clear outer layer of your eye) may become rough and irregular, causing light to scatter as it enters your eye. This can create blurry vision and make objects appear out of focus. […]

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What Is IPL Treatment for Dry Eye and How Does It Work?

A woman receives a dry eye exam from her optometrist.

Dry eye is a common condition that affects 30% of Canadians, causing discomfort in everyday life. If you’re one of those experiencing dry eye, you may have tried everything from eye drops to warm compresses, but nothing seems to work.  This is where IPL treatment comes in. IPL, or intense pulsed light therapy, is a […]

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