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Can You Use Expired Eye Drops for Dry Eyes?

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A woman carefully applying eye drops to her right eye to find relief from her dry eyes.

Dry eyes can be irritating, but this condition is a lot more common than most people think, and fortunately, it’s treatable. Professional dry eye treatment can help treat severe dry eyes, but in the meantime, eye drops can help alleviate symptoms.

Now, imagine reaching for a bottle of eye drops only to find that they’ve expired. Are they still safe to use?

You shouldn’t use expired eye drops. Past their expiration date, they may no longer be considered sterile. Expired eye drops can carry bacteria and harmful contaminants that can cause significant damage to your eyes.

Your optometrist can advise you on how to properly manage your eye drops.

What Causes Dry Eyes?

Every time you blink, you replenish your tears with a thin film that protects and hydrates your eyes. Your tear film is made up of a careful balance of components to keep your eyes protected.

Tears have three layers:

  • The mucus layer, which spreads the tear evenly across the eye
  • The aqueous layer, which provides hydration and essential nutrients while washing away harmful particles
  • The lipid layer, which coats the tear in oils to prevent the other components from evaporating

If there is an imbalance in these components, your tears can no longer protect the eye. Decreased tear production, increased tear evaporation, or a combination of both can lead to a condition called dry eye.

Dry Eye Symptoms

When you’re dealing with dry eye, you’ll likely experience:

  • A stinging, burning, or scratchy sensation in your eyes
  • Redness in the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurred vision

Eye drops can help alleviate some of these symptoms. However, over-the-counter eye drops will come with expiration dates that may vary based on whether they contain preservatives.

Do Eye Drops Expire?

While some people may think that eye drops have an infinite shelf life, this is not the case. They should always be treated like any other type of medication. Once they expire, they can become much less effective, and in some situations, can pose risks.

The expiration date for eye drops is usually printed on both the packaging and the bottle. If your drops have expired, the preservatives that slowed the growth of bacteria may no longer be effective. Expired eye drops are no longer considered sterile and can spread all kinds of bacteria and harmful contaminants. 

Are Expired Eye Drops Safe?

Expired eye drops increase the risk of:

  • Eye infections
  • Inflammation
  • Worsening of symptoms
  • Permanent eye damage
  • Corneal abrasions

Expired eye drops might seem okay to use, especially if you’re in a pinch, but it’s essential to consider the risks involved. Always check the expiration date and consult your optometrist if you have any doubts about the safety of your eye drops.

How to Treat Dry Eye

Eye drops can help provide some relief before visiting your optometrist, but expired drops should be discarded immediately. 

If you’re dealing with severe dry eyes, talk to your optometrist about dry eye treatment. There are plenty of in-office treatments that can help you find quick, long-lasting relief from your dry eyes, like:

  • BlephEx
  • Intense pulsed light (IPL)
  • iLux
  • TempSure Envi

BlephEx for Dry Eye

One common cause of dry eyes is a condition called “blepharitis.” This develops due to the clogging of glands along the eyelids, leading to inflammation and irritation in the eyes. Fortunately, this can easily be treated through BlephEx.

BlephEx is a quick in-office procedure that gently removes debris, dirt, and bacteria from your eyelids, reducing inflammation and discomfort and offering you a long-lasting solution to your dry eyes.

IPL for Dry Eye

Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy is another innovative treatment for dry eyes. This targets the meibomian glands—the glands responsible for producing the oils for your tear film—to remove blockages and promote a healthy tear film.

IPL is a quick, non-invasive procedure that usually only takes around 15 minutes or so, making it a popular option for dry eye therapy.

An optometrist across the desk from her patient listening carefully as he describes his dry eye symptoms.

iLux for Dry Eye

iLux treats dry eyes by using warmth and movement to melt and remove any oil blockages in your meibomian glands.

The gentle massaging stimulates the area and helps improve tear quality. iLux offers an effective approach to restoring the natural balance of your tear film to reduce your dry eye symptoms.

TempSure Envi for Dry Eye

TempSure Envi is a cutting-edge radiofrequency treatment that offers a non-invasive solution for dry eyes. The procedure involves applying controlled radiofrequency energy to the eyelids, which stimulates collagen production and the body’s natural healing process.

This is a quick, comfortable procedure that offers dry eye relief after just a few sessions.

Get Help for Your Dry Eyes

Dealing with dry eyes can be uncomfortable and frustrating, but you should never put your eye health at risk by using expired eye drops. Our team at Calgary Trail Vision Center is here to help you find relief from dry eyes. Book an appointment with our team today to find the right treatment option for you.

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